Pam's Pet Portraits

Published Works by Pamela Rose


Do you feel like you could use a break from your busy life?
Well, you’ve found the right place!

As a wife, a teacher, a Mom, a caretaker and a grandma myself, I know how you feel! I have been there! And when Moms start taking care of their own Mom… “The Sandwich Generation” that's what they call it and that's exactly what it feels like. Being tugged from your own family and your heart being tugged from the person you need to care for.

I founded “Mom’s Time Out” in 2010 as an outlet to create my art, my publishing and all my projects with love and in hopes to give everyone a break and let you know you are not alone.

My Mom’s Time Out Published Works provide you with fun and engaging books, coloring books, apparel and gifts to help you and all the other Mom’s in your life relax and enjoy the many ups and downs of this crazy hood we call “Motherhood”.

Mom needs a "time out" three jobs, a family, a caregiver and the rush of life.

"Mom's Time Out" was written about actual events in my life. I know I share them with mostly all Moms around the world.

I decided that moms needed a laugh to relax, recharge and renew to keep going and doing the thing we do best. Being a mom. Enjoy.

"Mom's Dream Vacation" is designed to educate your child through questions and pictures about the 7 Wonders of the World.

Mom DREAMS of the places she wants to go with her dog Zoey of course. the book also has questions on how we can help Mom and being kind.

From beginning to end a joy, funny and beautiful illustrations.

Enjoy my creative space page which gives you a chance to express yourself.

In searching for an activity book for my 93 year old mom I realized the difficulty involved and concentration required for working on an intricately designed coloring book that are now so popular.

Hence, I created a basic coloring and activity book for to stimulate the minds of individuals at any age.